While serving as Mayor, Erich helped Morrison Public Works Authority receive numerous state grants as well as federal funding to replace over 80% of the water lines in the municipality's system. Most of the lines had not been replaced since installation. An additional standpipe style water tower was added to accommodate a second water supplier to keep the community and town with a consistent, safe and abundant water supply for generations.
The 'Calling Card' of Morrison has always been Morrison Public Schools. A strong, vibrant community values and supports its youth. During his time as Mayor, Erich and Jennifer have given over $25,000 of scholarships to graduates of Morrison Public Schools through contributions to the Morrison Community Development Association.
Access to healthcare in rural communities will always be a challenge. While Mayor, Erich helped foster a relationship with Stillwater Medical Center which led to the establishment and construction of the Morrison Clinic.
The safety of our neighbors and community from natural disasters improves significantly with advanced warning systems. Erich helped the Town of Morrison Fire Department update and expand the emergency storm sirens.
While on City Council, Erich worked with other community leaders as well as local residential developers to encourage continued growth in the community.
Erich and Jennifer have a deep appreciation and love for Morrison. Both enjoy active roles with several community organizations such as Morrison Lions Club, American Legion Auxiliary, Morrison Community Development Authority and Morrison Tree Board.